By Patricia


° Self Leadership ° Mental Health ° Personal Development ° Relationships ° Career Goals

As we bid farewell to the old and step into the promise of a new year, it's time to give yourself the gift of transformation. If you find yourself juggling a myriad of exciting tasks yet struggling with overwhelm and anxiety, if doubt whispers in your ear that you're not cut out for this, if you're yearning to break free from unhealthy patterns but don't know where to begin – this is your moment.

We are getting you closer to the life you desire. This isn't about grand gestures or time-consuming commitments; it's about making small, meaningful changes that echo loudly in your life.

What to expect?

  1. Conquer Overwhelm: Say goodbye to the chaos and embrace a sense of control. We'll equip you with simple strategies to manage your load effectively.

  2. Silence the Doubt: Those nagging voices in your head? It's time to drown them out with empowering affirmations and mindset shifts that fuel your confidence.

  3. Break Free: Identify and shatter those unhealthy patterns that have held you back. Discover a path to freedom and self-discovery.

  4. Lasting Impact: you'll witness noticeable changes. Small steps lead to giant leaps, and I’, here to guide you every stride of the way.

The journey to a more resilient, confident you begins here. Are you in? Don't let this opportunity slip away. Join a community of like-minded individuals and step into the new year with purpose, clarity, and a renewed sense of self.


CHF 188 111

Your coach

Patricia has more than 10 years of experience as a leader striving to realize sustainable development goals across private sector, governments, and international organizations . Her last gigs includes leading the International Policy Department of EAT Foundation, the Southeast Asia branch of the World Economic Forum’s forest alliance, and wellbeing related independent consultancy for multiple international foundations. Her previous portfolio also includes The Global Fund (Geneva), World Trade Organization (Geneva), Foundation Botnar (Basel), ASEAN (Jakarta), Boston Consulting Group (Jakarta), The Graduate Institute Executive Education on Global Advocacy (Geneva), The Graduate Institute Gender Program (Geneva).


° Self Leadership ° Mental Health ° Personal Development ° Relationships ° Career Goals

  • Do you hear yourself whisper “If I get this one right, I will leave this world a better place” ?

  • Are you looking to take charge of your personal and professional growth?

  • Do you want to become a more effective leader and achieve your goals with confidence?

If yes, this program is for you. Whether you are an advocate, activist, teacher, parent, seasoned professional, or just starting out. VERITAS will help you reconnect with your truth, lead yourself, and stay connected with your heartfelt passion while creating lasting impact.

Your impact in the world is a byproduct of who you are, and not so much of what you do. Lead yourself first - Patricia Paramita

By the end of this program, you will know how to align elements of your being to help you fulfil your soul’s calling. You will understand why you have not made the big move and address that head on. How much do you value the ability to lead yourself through doubts, through pain, through triggers, through the urge to abandon yourself? A lot. Invalueable.

Well, this program will help you gain all that and costs only CHF 188 for now.


20% discount to purchase the “Integrity” programthat includes 3 modules, exercises, and potent homeworks to help you unlock your full potential.

Your coach

Patricia has more than 10 years of experience as a leader striving to realize sustainable development goals across private sector, governments, and international organizations . Her last gigs includes leading the International Policy Department of EAT Foundation, the Southeast Asia branch of the World Economic Forum’s forest alliance, and wellbeing related independent consultancy for multiple international foundations. Her previous portfolio also includes The Global Fund (Geneva), World Trade Organization (Geneva), Foundation Botnar (Basel), ASEAN (Jakarta), Boston Consulting Group (Jakarta), The Graduate Institute Executive Education on Global Advocacy (Geneva), The Graduate Institute Gender Program (Geneva).