Build a deeper loving relationship with your kids as a confident, responsive, and happy mother

- in 10 weeks


This is a big one for me

My own personal development journey kicked off after a harsh transition into motherhood with severe post partum depression and suicidal episodes.

I was deeply anticipating and looked forward to birth and post-natal child rearing. However, none of the perinatal classes I took – which were many and spanned three countries and online – prepared me for my own personal transition and growth into the mother role. After birth, I did not feel like myself anymore. I felt lonely and unsupported. I second guessed my decisions. I felt depleted and defeated. I felt massive disconnection from my partner—as if we lived in separate planes of existence. I felt stuck in between new routines and old patterns. I could not see the end of the tunnel. Nothing prepared me (and most mothers) for these tectonic transitions. And this needs to change.

Upon recovery, I left my 10+ years of international policy career to develop teachings and tools to help mothers navigate motherhood with confidence from a place of alignment.

This is one of my most important life missions now - and the most invaluable investment you are making in your motherhood journey

You will walk away with

  • renewed outlook of your roles and worth as a woman, a daughter, a mother, and a partner

  • healthy confidence in the way you emotionally navigate motherhood (e.g. regulating anxiety, anger, fear, shame, guilt)

  • clarity on how to align your idea of “the perfect mother” with the pursuit of life passions and desires

  • stronger sense of connection to yourself and your loved ones

  • restored sense of self, safety, security, and freedom

  • clear and healthy boundaries

  • access to an unlimited source of empowerment, support, bliss, and peace that is always within you


  1. Exclusive, custom tailored 1:1 coaching curriculum (this looks different for every mom)

  2. Free consultation call

  3. 10 weekly transmission + practice calls

  4. Personalised breath-work sessions, guided meditation, visualisations, and other mindfulness based tools

  5. Potent homework to integrate as we go (specifically designed for busy moms)

  6. Voxer support for Q&As through the week

  7. 333 CHF credit to buy other coaching programs (The Journey and The Advocates)

4444 CHF (paid at once)


4 X 1222 CHF (4 months payment plan)