find your true purpose, become an authentic leader, and create lasting changes

- in 10 weeks

When a light maker lost her light…

In a previous life chapter, I committed my life to drive policy changes that would make the world a better place. I had more than a decade or experience working in international organizations including the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Trade Organization (WTO),  The Global Fund, and EAT Foundation. I published research and articles under direct supervision of the UN Special Rapporteur for the Rights of Food and chapters on intergenerational women’s trauma. I started my career very young and I never stopped working even when I was pursuing my studies. And I’ve been working on topics spanning global health, environmental sustainability, food systems and agriculture, and human rights.


I come from a small town in Indonesia, but by my 20s, I had the contacts of the world’s most influential people on my phone, even called some by their first name. I curated conversations on global agenda at the top level and was designing back door conversations for C-Suite executives of the biggest consumer goods companies, ministers of the largest palm oil producing countries, and ministers of the biggest donor countries. Before turning 30, I became Head of International Policy of an influential international organization.


It’s surreal for me. If you ask me, “How did you feel, being in all these conversations? Orchestrating the conversations?” My answer would be - “I don’t know”. I don’t think I felt anything. I was numb. Even now, thinking back, my experience was a blur. White noise. I didn’t feel like myself.


I walked into my career life with a deep passion for change but somewhere on the way, I got disconnected from it. I was in a hamster wheel. In hindsight, I didn’t feel like my purpose, what I wanted to do, what I thought I was doing, what I was actually doing, and the results I wished to accomplished were aligned at all.


I left the world of international advocacy in a traditional sense but I knew it would not be the end of my involvement in creating lasting change. I took a long, hard look at my decade of experience and took the advantage of the distance I created to shed a critical light on how global advocacy and activism operate and how to navigate this landscape with purpose. Now I want to share the magic juice with you.

After 10 weeks with me, you will walk away with:

  • clarity around your gift, passion, and soul calling — as well as skills and tools to keep them flourishing

  • the ability to show up as a full human (instead of a cog in a big machine) in our pursuit of knowledge, impact, and lasting transformation.

  • a roadmap towards a life of integrity, conviction, and joy

  • heightened confidence in the way you emotionally navigate your activism and leadership (e.g. regulating anxiety, anger, fear, shame, guilt, negative self-talk, fixed mindset)

  • clarity on how to align your idea of “impact” with your own personal growth

  • next level skills in setting and communicating boundaries

  • access to an unlimited source of empowerment, support, bliss, and peace that is always within you - that you can also share with others through your upleveled leadership


  1. Exclusive, custom tailored 1:1 coaching curriculum (this looks different for every soul)

  2. Free consultation call

  3. 10 weekly transmission + practice calls

  4. Personalised breath-work sessions, guided meditation, visualisations, and other mindfulness based tools to nourish your body and mind

  5. Potent homework to integrate as we go (specifically designed for busy people - I see you!)

  6. Voxer support for Q&As through the week

  7. 333 CHF credit to buy other coaching programs (The Journey and Matrescence)

4444 CHF (paid at once)


4 X 1222 CHF (4 months payment plan)