Welcome, Dear one.



  • My mentorship is geared towards a paradigm where we can embody the idea that we have the freedom to live, create, and advocate from a place that is much deeper within ourselves.

Why we do this work?

We cannot be entirely free until we dismantle the code that we have carried with us subconsciously. The wounds that have been passed down from one generation to the next, and which subconsciously still makes our body believe that we are not/less worthy of the reality we desire.

Yes, our mind might well be “free.” But the awakening and the freeing must go beyond the mind. Every cell of our being needs to be awaken. Our consciousness, our emotional intelligence; all must reunite. This is our magic. This is what is going to sustain the change we've been working so passionately for. This is our life work and possibly the greatest gift we can present to ourselves and future generations. We're together on this thrilling journey.


My name is Patricia, a personal development mentor who works with women and young professionals who are going through major life transitions. My work invites you to get to know your sites of shaping and mental impressions, connecting with your truth and enriching your ability to experience life like never before.

The Giants on whose shoulders I stand

I am mentored by Melanie Ann Layer (Founder, Alpha Femme). I studied the art of embodied transformation from Richard Strozzi Heckler (Founder, Strozzi Institute), Staci Haines (author, “The Politics of Trauma”), and David Treleaven (author, “Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness”). I am fortunate to have worked with and learned from Daniel J. Siegel (a pioneer of interpersonal neurobiology, ED of the Mindsight Institute), Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi (multiple NYT best-selling authors).


I earned two advanced degrees, a first MA in Human Development Studies and a second MA in Anthropology. My anthropological work focused on intergenerational trauma in women.  I spent 10+ years in the world of international advocacy — subsequently worked for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and served as the Head of International Policy of EAT Foundation, creating alliances among leaders around the world.


After a severe post-partum depression, I realized I was living a life that was not aligned with my passion and who I truly am. Growing up in Bali, I was always taught that the keys to wellbeing are spiritual harmony, harmony among people, and harmony with nature. At some point, I got disconnected from them all. I finally returned to this philosophy to find myself again. I discovered my true passion in mentoring leaders and decided to dedicate myself to the cause of helping others lead their own way to reach their dreams and be the best version of themselves.

1:1 thematic coaching with Patricia

  • The advocate

    10 weeks private mentorship for lightworkers and those who seek to create positive impacts in the world.


    COMING SOON - 10 weeks exclusive private mentorship for women undergoing major life transition and looking forward to rediscover themselves.


    10 weeks exclusive private coaching tailored just for you to master motherhood related transitions.

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